Friday, 8 December 2017

Human ?

We believe that God has created human beings in the divine image. God formed them from the dust of the earth and gave them a special dignity among all the works of creation. Human beings have been made for relationship with God, to live in peace with each other, and to take care of the rest of creation.
We believe that human beings were created good, in the image of God.
  1. As creatures according to the divine likeness, we have been made stewards to subdue and to care for creation out of reverence and honor for the Creator.
  2. As creatures made in the divine image, we have been blessed with the abilities to respond faithfully to God, to live in harmony with other human beings, and to engage in meaningful work and rest. Because both Adam and Eve were equally and wonderfully made in the divine image, God’s will from the beginning has been for women and men to live in loving and mutually helpful relationships with each other.
  3. We are grateful that God patiently preserves humanity and faithfully remains with us even through death.
  4. God has made provision for the salvation of humanity and the redemption of creation.
  5. We believe that the image of God in all its fullness has been revealed and restored in Jesus Christ, in whom we find our true humanity.